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We are dedicated to helping your company not only the best and brightest professionals and executives but build teams that drive your organization’s success from top to bottom. From executive recruiting to contract and interim search, IT legacy search, and more – leverage 3D Tek’s proprietary eTRACCS hiring process to build your dream team.
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3D Tek
Your assessment of my needs and the candidate that you selected was right on target. 0290c502-db79-4553-902a-ba8807afbef7
Emil provided a short list of 5 candidates for the leadership role, which resulted in 2 solid candidates. And out of these 2 candidates, we have been well served. 0a9fec22-3481-4fcb-bf62-fd267c072b86
There was no way our staff could have had time to do all this extra work without outside assistance your people provided for us. f58651c3-7ee4-400b-89cc-a13c4732ac63
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The integration of technology has become indispensable for enhancing efficiency, productivity, and c... 5a88eea4-4da7-43cb-8134-46687fc65f7c
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Cyber Security: Keep One Step Ahead As technology continues to progress, hackers become more sophis... fff18b70-5711-4ae8-b9cb-0d3cb51b3370
CIO Executive Search Firm: Finding the Right Leadership for Your Tech Team Find talent text goes here
When it comes to steering a company’s technology strategy, few roles are as critical as the Ch... 8ac0c5ab-a5ab-4d42-b9f2-df299b4ae476
Ultimate Guide to Airbnb for Business Travelers Find talent text goes here
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